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Why I (didn’t) Want to Become Music Coord

Updated: May 9, 2020

by Joshua Flancer



I didn’t want to be Music Coordinator. I always thought that I was better in the performing side of things and quite bad at writing music. I played piano in the band my first year of SPCN and then performed in Script my second year. Performing was what I did. Especially after the legendary Austin Gatus, there was no way I thought I could write music anywhere close to good enough for SPCN. I wasn’t going to do it. I didn’t want to do it. But then I messaged by Sahrang (SPCN 43 Coord) and was asked to be Music Coord. I said maybe. Then I got messaged by Jojo (SPCN 43 Script Coord) and she asked me to be Music Coord for her script. I said maybe. Then, Austin (SPCN 42 Music Coord) asked me to be Music Coord for this year and said he’d help me through whatever difficulties I had while being Music Coord. At that point, how could I say no?

I still didn’t think I had the music writing talent for the job (still don’t, honestly), but people believed in me. The person at the head of SPCN 43 believed in me. The person writing the script I would make music for believed in me. The music composer from last year’s SPCN believed in me. With that newfound support and confidence, I took the position. The picture is of me and who was supposed to be in the band. They were ready to stand with me and play the music that I wrote. They were ready to help me write the music and give me feedback on what I wrote. I even got the pianist to learn two of the songs that I had written already.

Sure, there’s no SPCN 43. These are unprecedented times and nobody could have seen this coming. Even so, I’m glad I took on the position. It’s been a lot of growth for me, and I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world. As for advice I’d give to those on the fence about joining SPCN committee in the future: do it. You’ll be so glad that you did. This is Josh, Music Coord 43, signing off.

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